Home Products Anti-Estrogens Nolvadex


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What is Nolvadex by Dragon Pharma?

Nolvadex by Dragon PharmaNolvadex is the brand name of the active substance known as Tamoxifen or its full name Tamoxifen Citrate. This medicine might be sold as other brand names too like Genox, Tamifen and others, but Nolvadex is by far the most famous trade name for Tamoxifen Citrate.

This compound is manufactured by Dragon Pharma and is a very high quality medicine that is mainly used for treating and preventing breast cancer. However, Dragon Pharma is oriented in helping people who require physique and performance enhancing drugs and medicines which may help them to lower the side effects induced by those drugs.

Nolvadex is a perfect example of such a product. This compound is very widely used by bodybuilders and steroid users for dealing with their estrogen related side effects which are occurring due to use of aromatizable steroids.

Tamoxifen found in Nolvadex is a product coming in form of tablets which should be taken daily. Nolvadex from Dragon Pharma is recommended because this is a compound known to offer high quality Tamoxifen Citrate and that’s for a very low price allowing customers to save money compared to other Tamoxifen Citrate products.

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) and therefore is an anti estrogen. There are 2 different groups in anti estrogen types of drugs – SERMs and Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) all of which are known to deal with the estrogen related issues, but there are huge differences between SERMs and AIs in their mechanism of action and other factors.

Tamoxifen has been initially created many years ago in 1962 but nowadays is on the list of essential medicine on World Health Organization (WHO) as is one of the most effective and safe medicines that are required in a health system.

What Does Nolvadex Do? | How Does Tamoxifen Work? | Tamoxifen Mechanism of Action?

TamoxifenNolvadex is having many medical uses except for breast cancer. Mainly is being used for breast cancer treatment and prevention because there are certain breast cancer types that require estrogen to grow. Tamoxifen is inhibiting the estrogen in breast cancer and therefore is effective for preventing hormonally positive breast cancer or treating it, also is helpful against gynecomastia in men because this is also a condition requiring estrogen.

On the other hand, Tamoxifen is only inhibiting estrogen selectively in different parts of the body, but is having estrogenic activity in other tissues in the body. Is offering anti estrogenic effects in the breasts, but is offering estrogenic effects in the uterus and liver.

This is the reason why besides being helpful against gynecomastia and infertility, this compound is also helpful for infertility. It may have other uses as well.

When it comes to bodybuilding use, this steroid is very helpful as an anti gynecomastia treatment but is also very often used as a Post Cycle Therapy medicine too. When a person uses anabolic steroids, their body stops producing testosterone on its own because anabolic steroids are making your LH to drop to almost zero.

For maintaining normal testosterone levels after the steroid user stops to take the steroids, he requires a good PCT plan.

So, TamoxifenNolvadex is used at the end of steroid cycle because is stimulating the hypophysis in order to produce more gonadotropins. These are some hormones that are stimulating a faster and higher release of the FSH as well as LH. By using Tamoxifen Citrate, the user will experience a spike in LH and therefore a spike in total testosterone levels.

In the end, bodybuilders are using Nolvadex containing Tamoxifen either for preventing and dealing with the gynecomastia during the anabolic steroid cycle, or they are using this medicine at the end of steroid cycle as a PCT medicine.

How to Take Nolvadex? | Administration of Tamoxifen Citrate

As explained, Nolvadex should be used by mouth on a daily basis. This compound has a half life of about 6 days (anywhere between 5 and 7 days) but it requires a while until it builds up in your system and is still important to use it on a daily basis. However, there’s no need to use it multiple time a day.

In fact, some people can use it with big success by using it every other day (but using it even rarer might not be as effective).

However, when it comes to dosages, it greatly depends on why exactly you need it. If you get prescribed NolvadexTamoxifen by your doctor, use it as mentioned.

However, if you need it for a good PCT plan doses are anywhere between 10 up to 40 mg taken either on a daily basis or every other day. Usually, people prefer 40 mg a day for the first 2 weeks after steroid cycle ends, and then 20 mg a day for the last 2 weeks (out of a total of 4 weeks). But this can be adjusted depending on how harsh your steroid cycle was.

Doses of NolvadexTamoxifen for gynecomastia treatment or prevention during the steroid cycle fall in the range of 20 up to 80 mg depending on how you deal with the side effects, usually taken on a daily basis for the entire steroid cycle.

Nolvadex Side Effects | Tamoxifen Side Effects | Side Effects of Tamoxifen

Usually, side effects of Nolvadex containing Tamoxifen Citrate are not reported by steroid users who use it properly. Usually, side effects of this compound are related to an improper use of it.

Side effects are mainly seen in those people who use aromatizable steroids and do not have a gynecomastia prevention medicine and in those people who stop using steroids without using a proper PCT with Nolvadex or any other PCT medicine (like Clomid and others).

We recommend to start slowly at a dosage of 10-20 every other day just too see how this product works for you personally. Increase dosage only if required.

Make sure not to use progestin elevating compounds like Trenbolone because this would offer way too high progestin levels because NolvadexTamoxifen is also increasing progestin levels.

By using NolvadexTamoxifen properly, there are very few anabolic users who report getting side effects out of using this compound.

Where to Buy Nolvadex For Sale? | Where to Buy Tamoxifen

Nolvadex containing Tamoxifen Citrate is a very high quality SERM manufactured by Dragon Pharma easily obtained from this website and this can be an amazing product for preventing or treating gynecomastia when using anabolic steroids and is one of the most famous, widely used and important medicine when it comes to Post Cycle Therapy for anabolic steroid users.

While this medicine is remaining super effective and beneficial, Nolvadex is also extremely safe in terms of side effects. The only problem with Nolvadex that people encounter is its price. Dragon Pharma solved this problem as well because Nolvadex containing high quality Tamoxifen Citrate is offered for an extremely low price. This compound is necessary for every anabolic steroid user regardless if you risk getting gynecomastia or not. Even if gyne is not a risk for you, PCT plan is very important for every AAS user.